Our Community
Coworking is not limited to a physical workplace, the heart of coworking is first and foremost the community. Our greatest value at Brain-Booster is our vibrant community of talented, creative and ambitious professionals from diverse backgrounds. We motivate each other to act, improve and grow. The key word at Brain-Booster is sharing.
Our members

Gestion de projets (montage de projet, contrôle, audit, suivi d'evaluation des projets)
Commerce general (agroalimentaire, import-export)
Ingénierie technique (Etude de préfaisabilité & faisabilité technico financière des projets, Maitrise d'oeuvre, contrôle et suivi des chantiers, Etudes d'impact environnemental et social, ...)

Brain-Booster is a valuable toolbox for entrepreneurs! Tools that you think you already have, that seem to be effective, until you try them out and realize that they are often inadequate... The difference is that Brain-Booster designs the tools that help you create your own: adapted, effective and simple.
Rodrigue Wanyang
Co-Founder ARBC Agency, Brand Development Specialist

Brain Booster has enabled me share relevant facts and know-how with others. It has set the pace for intellectual emulation.
Joshua ASSAM
Founder of Conversing in English with Propriety (CEP) Teacher of English as a Foreign Language

Brain-Booster is an excellent environment for the expression of the skills acquired during my academic and professional career. It's very nice to be able to express myself freely and take a step back to adjust the shot.
Edwige EGABA
Consultant in Human Resources Management

What I like about Brain-Booster is the dynamism of its team as well as their ability to find innovative solutions to problems faced by companies and professionals of all professions.
Franklin SIMO
IT Consultant

The best thing is that, I no longer feel alone in this journey, I know that someone has my back…
Paul-Cedric MBONGO
PDG Mbong’s Travel

I particularly appreciate the concept of after-work which allows me to learn many useful things for my daily life and even for my professional career and all this in a pleasant and very relaxed environment. BB It is a real knowledge gas pedal.
Franklin SIMO
IT Consultant
Benefits of Members
Why join our community ?

Regardless of your industry, whether domiciliated at Brain-Booster or not, whether you are a professional or a student, if you want to improve, meet inspiring people, share your experience and evolve your activities, your place is at Brain-Booster. Sign up for the membership card (BB-Card) and take advantage of :
- 1.Access to our trainings, afterworks and other events
- 2.Access to our business social network + 5h bonus in coworking
- 3.Visibility on our platforms and many other opportunities